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Investment Management

Let us worry about the market so that you don’t have to.

Our investment philosophy boils down to one thing: maximizing reward for the risk you take.

Proprietary Investment Strategies

Quality returns shouldn’t only come in bull markets. We have developed multiple propriety investment strategies designed to offer exposure to return possibilities throughout the full market cycle, including a bear market.

Diversified Portfolios

The benefits of a diversified portfolio are well-known. Yet many investors have what we call “the illusion of diversification” by owning funds that all own the same things. We seek true diversification by identifying strategies to harvest multiple non-correlated investment risk premiums.

Process-Based Decision-Making

The biggest obstacle for the typical investor is his own behavior. He will have the urge to do the wrong thing at the wrong time. We know that. That’s why we employ systematic, threshold-based rebalancing and why we follow a disciplined process in executing our proprietary strategies.

Low Cost

One of the lasting legacies of the passive indexing revolution is to show the harmful effect on a portfolio of unnecessary fees. From our security selection to our management of trades and rebalancing, we aim to keep the fees in your accounts as low as possible.

Do you know how risky your portfolio is?

Assess Your Portfolio Fit

All of our investment professionals have invested the majority of their liquid net worth alongside our clients as part of PWA's managed investment strategies. This does not guarantee success, but it does mean that we win or lose together, and further ensures that you will always have our full attention.

Let's Talk About Your Investments