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What Issues Should I Consider Before I Retire?

Planning for Retirement? Don't Miss These Crucial Considerations!

Download our "2024 Retirement Planning Checklist" to ensure you're prepared:

  • Cash Flow Needs: Will your cash flow change? Develop a new income and expense plan.
  • Pension Details: Understand payout options and coordination with Social Security and life insurance.
  • Early Retirement: Know the impact on Social Security benefits and penalty-free 401(k) access.
  • Spousal Benefits: Explore Social Security strategies if currently married or divorced.
  • Healthcare Before 65: Plan for insurance needs before Medicare eligibility.
  • Health Savings Accounts: Address HSA and Medicare coordination issues.
  • Medicare IRMAA Surcharges: Check if your income will trigger surcharges.
  • Life Insurance and Long-Term Care: Assess your needs and review existing policies.
  • Estate Planning: Review your estate plan, charitable giving strategies, and account beneficiaries.
  • Investment Strategies: Adjust your objectives and risk tolerance.
  • Business Ownership: Develop an exit strategy or succession plan.
  • Deferred Compensation and Multiple Accounts: Optimize and consolidate for tax efficiency.
  • Relocation Impact: Consider tax and Medicare implications if moving.
  • Roth Conversions: Strategize to manage Required Minimum Distributions and tax brackets.
  • Unused Vacation Days: Utilize or get compensated for any remaining days.