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Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Sunset - One Page Comparison Guide

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Confused about the expiring tax cuts from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act?  

Download our "TCJA Sunset Comparison Guide" to see many of the changes in one easy place:

  • Individual Tax Brackets: The current tax brackets may revert to pre-TCJA levels, potentially raising taxes for some.
  • Standard Deduction: The generous standard deduction might shrink, impacting those who don't itemize deductions.
  • State and Local Tax Deduction Cap: The limit on deducting state and local taxes could go away, decreasing tax bills for residents of high-tax states.
  • Estate Tax Exemption: The doubled estate tax exemption could be reduced, affecting how much wealth you can pass tax-free.
  • Business Provisions:  Several benefits for businesses, like the Qualified Business Income Deduction, might be scaled back.